So this guy goes to the doctor and the doctor reads the test results and says, "You have 10 to live."
"What?!," goes the patient all freaked out, "10 What?! 10 years, 10 months?"
"10...9...8...7...6..." the doctor says.
This time period has transits from hell. The last half of April, specifically April 21-23, there is a Grand Cross of cardinal signs involving Pluto-Uranus-Mars-Jupiter-and the Moon to trigger it all off. It only happens every 250 years, but now we are so technologically dependent that we are at risk and vulnerable, particularly in areas of economy, govt, and natural and man-made disasters. My pick of the most likely is the Fukushima year-long fuel rods removal process.
At a personal level, the cardinal signs, born the first week of January, April, July, and October, will be most impacted. People with other planets 13 degrees in cardinal signs will also be effected. Maybe some kind of sudden change and crisis in your lives. The bright side is that out of 1000 that suffer, one will become enlightened. It might be a fair trade.
Having said all of that, forecasting or predicting with transits is tricky. Sometimes nothing happens, but when something happens, the transits are there.